Code of Conduct

Value Statement

At Chronicle, our goal is to create amazing beer served for the enjoyment of everyone. We believe in fostering a safe, discrimination free workspace and community gathering place. We believe in communication, safety and accountability.
Discrimination and abuse of any sort are not welcome. It is expected of everyone: ownership, staff and customers alike to uphold this basic standard.


Chronicle is committed to providing a safe space, inclusive of all by:
Enforcing a zero tolerance policy towards unwanted, discriminatory and abusive language and actions on the basis of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, lifestyle, or any other criteria which does not align with fulfilling our Value Statement to foster a welcoming environment for groups and community members to organize and gather.
Management, staff and customers are expected to respect this or be asked to leave.
Chronicle is committed to continue Improving by:
  • Seeking opportunities for further education.
  • Continuing the conversation and participating in ongoing industry and community dialogue.
  • Encouraging feedback when we can improve and being accountable for the work/change required.



Any individual with information regarding a violation of the above Values Statement or Commitments, should report (anonymously, if they wish) to any one of the contacts below:
CEO: Ted Paulsen,
Owner/Sales/Customer Relations: Jon Cowling,